EvoClock 2.0

EvoClock is a desktop clock that will show the time in words on a matrix of led-lit letters. It is the little sister of the much bigger (and much more expensive) wall clocks of this type. It comes as a DIY electronics experiment kit and can be used to learn the basics of modern open…


SAP BW Planning on aDSO

On the way to BW/4HANA there is no more option to avoid using aDSO’s. The good news is that things are similar as beforehand and there are no disadvantages in using an aDSO instead of a RealTimeCube or a direct Update DSO as an InfoProvider for planning. One of the biggest advantages of using an…


Script debugging in Lumira Designer

Developers need some basic tools to do their job properly and effectively, these are: a development environment with auto-complete a decent espresso-machine a debugger Unfortunately, while the choice of espresso (, pour-over, or any other form of coffee you prefer) basically depends on your budget, taste and skills, debugging in Lumira Designer is pretty limited……


Can you solve this ABAP riddle?

Do you know what this ABAP code line does? It replaces three variable definitions, a loop, two value assignments and a table append in a single line of code. The corresponding “traditional” code could look something like this: Semantically speaking: it will copy the contents of table lt_s into table lt_t for each column that exists…
