Got his first Commodore 64 at the age of eight and started programming in Basic. An enthusiastic ABAP and .NET programmer, BW developer – with a pragmatic mindset. Read more about Oliver, or see his other posts

BW4 Administrator Cheat Sheet

With BW4 a lot of features have been migrated into a Fiori Launchpad based UI5 user interface. While the new interface is neat, clean and sexy, it is all but efficient for a lot of tasks that BW developers and administrators need to carry out for debugging or bugfixing reasons. One prominent example is that…

Bundling SAC custom widgets

Please note: Information in this post will be extremely simplified so it is suitable for getting an understanding of the problem, it’s context, and a possible solution. It might not be fully accurate in some places, and might contain some bias based on personal preferences. The post is about a highly complicated topic which requires…

Consuming SAP BW queries externally

Most of the time you will use one of SAP’s standard frontends to execute BW queries: Analysis for Office, Lumira Designer, the legacy BEx suite – or maybe connect the query via live-connect to SAP Analytics Cloud. However, there are times when you need to integrate the data delivered by a query in a custom…